Thursday, August 27, 2015

8 ~ My Life In APC

As a person that just recently graduated high-school, you could imagine that I was excited, nervous, and a myriad of other emotions. I quickly got over it though - I don't like dwelling to long, and I'd rather be actively doing something anyway. Still, if I had to say something, it's that when I first entered APC, I just couldn't stop doing anything. I needed an outlet for my energy, and thankfully enough, APC was able to provide that outlet.

Though APC itself does not have much to offer, the people that make it up are great to be around, and it's mostly thanks to them that I adjusted so quickly. The friends I made in my block are great and easy to talk to.

Moreover, APC is actually pretty close to some good hangout spots, where my friends and I go to during our breaks. In all honesty, I have very little regrets about choosing APC as my college, and if I had a regret, then it would be the fact that none of my old high-school friends study here, but then again, that's called nitpicking.

1 comment:

  1. You've made the right choice. I'm loving it is apc as well! :)
